Wednesday, March 30, 2005

I am a father now

I am a father now. This is something that I have always wanted to be; even during the years I was studying to be a priest my thoughts were often turned to the family it appeared I would never get to have. And now here I am, a little baby boy asleep on my shoulder, a little person who will look to my wife and I for his every need for the next, well, for many years to come. This set of circumstances seems to have a particularly difficult time in seeming real to me. I am not in denial or anything, but this is taking more getting used to than I had expected.

He is a beautiful little fellow. I know this is because he looks so much like me, but it is still something I marvel at. He is an exquisite creation, with his tiny little fingers and toes, his toothless grin, his querelous hairless eyebrows. I treasure him, for I know that I am undeserving of such a wonderful charge. I hope I do not fail him, I hope he will not be disappointed when he grows up and learns that I am his father. I hope that he will love me, as I most certainly love him.

I am a father. I have a son. I am happy.