Saturday, September 19, 2009

Need some veggies, boy?

Primus is not known for his love of vegetable bites. Or really any bites; it is a constant struggle to get him to slow down enough to take any nourishment at all, and his physique shows it.

But tonight he evidently had some biological needs that he took heed of. While I was prepping supper he ate two collard leaves, stalks and all, and after I had rolled the leaves and cut them into strips he ate two of the resultant densely-packed wheels of green leafiness. Later, when we had steamed the rest to our liking, he dug into a plateful before asking, "Can I please have some V-8?"

Yes, yes you can.

Friday, September 18, 2009

A whole new everything

Greetings from Sunny Ottawa!

As I dragged my little family away from everyone and everything we know and love, one of the things I was most sure of was that we would need to blog about it a LOT, both for the folks back home (and scattered far and wide) who will be missing us, and also for ourselves. So far, pretty much nothing has gone as expected, and it has been a pretty bleak time for us. Blogging has taken a back seat to survival.

But I need to start sometime. Every day lately there have been multiple little events that have made me say to myself, "Ah, I need to blog about that." And I never have. But tonight, time, energy (barely), and inclination have finally converged, and I am just going to say stuff until I run out of steam. Which will be soon. But hopefully this will be the pebble that starts the metaphors mixing, and I can find time and energy to pour forth the kind of pithy little updates I have been longing to post (and pictures, too!). I may even get around to whipping up some back-dated entries for the overwhelming early days of our family odyssey, so scroll down to check for those, too, at some point soon(ish).

And good night. More real news real soon. Maybe even a proper explanation of what we are doing here...